Dinner time at the Kolberg's!
© 2008-2024 Zoni Pets, LLC.

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BIG Duke before ear surgery.
Please note, when there is nothing upsetting a pet, some pets may not be as receptive to wearing Happy Hoodie; however, most are VERY appreciative with having it on during a stressful situation. We know, it's hard not to try out a new purchase as soon as it arrives, just don't be discouraged if your pet doesn't embrace their new anti-anxiety aid if you try it on them when they are not upset. Use it when they really need it!
                                       This is Rhett's story:
Yesterday I took Rhett on his longest and fastest ride yet. We traveled up to 55mph. The Happy Hoodie worked!!!!!! Rhett didn't shake his head once! We are SO grateful to have found a solution to the wind bothering his ears.  We can now travel to more places.  We can't thank you enough for your help and for your wonderful product!  Rhett is shown wearing the XL

How cool is this!!
What a lucky dog to get to go riding with Mom!
Adorable Fern! Her caring parents made sure she was calm and comfortable for her flight. She's a great example of how a dog with "prick ears" can comfortably wear Happy Hoodie for an extended period.  
The Head Hug for Pets
Nearby construction scares Duke. Happy Hoodie
helps keep this sweet boy from pacing back and forth.
In very cold weather Happy Hoodie can keep a pets head and ears warm, helping to prevent frostbite to the ears.
Pets may no longer feel the need to attack the dreaded vacuum
Sweet Pea is a service dog. With the help of Happy Hoodie, noisy outings such as the movies and airport no longer upset her.
Happy dog, more freedom and opportunities for Mom! Sister Pearl sports one too (with added flower band). =)
Happy Hoodie is VERY useful in preventing ear hematomas caused by excessive head shaking, especially after an ear surgery.
Kali loves to swim! Happy Hoodie helps her ears from getting swollen when she shakes off the water.
Happy Hoodie keeping Duke's ear secure to prevent a post surgery hematoma (this was before the XL Hoodie was available, large Hoodie was modified by his parents, smart!).
Many pets have long ears and face hair that are
constantly in their food and water bowls.  Happy
Hoodie is great for holding ears and face hair and
up and out to the way.
Pets differ in their sensitivity to noise. Many are frightened by the sound of the vacuum or become terror stricken and run away at the sound of thunder, fireworks and gunfire. Pets can also be upset, scared or disagreeable with toenail trimming, brushing, bathing, drying, paw handling, car rides, visitors, Vet exams, etc. The calming effect of Happy Hoodie can help relieve anxiety associated with these potentially upsetting situations.

Some pets have chronic ear infections or constant damp, itchy ear canals. Happy Hoodie is great for keeping the ears up, leaving the ear canal exposed for aeration.